Packed house awaited news about trail expansion

Aaron W. Hautala, Former Cuyuna Mountain Bike Crew President Presenting some of the planned 2018 expansions
The Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Crew hosted a lively event attended by several luminaires in the mountain bike industry. Some guests included David Gabrys of 45NRTH and professional mountain biker Kurt Barclay.
The meeting was kicked off with videos of Bob Dylan performing "North Country Blues" and "Long Live Cuyuna" by "Gear Junkie." The videos is a powerful way to show the evolution of Cuyuna.
Accomplishments of 2017 was presented as well as planned 2018 expansions. Here is a condensed list.
2017 - Accomplishments
Trail loop connections completed Trail connection to Crosby Skills Area developed
2018 – Planned Improvements:
Maroco Unit Expansion – 10 miles of intermediate difficulty trails
Miner’s Mountain Road Repairs
The Brainerd Post Dispatch published a great article with more details about the expansion plans at this link. You can also read the comprehensive expansion plan at this link