Stand Up Paddle Is Has A Long History Stand up paddle boarding is as old as the history of mankind. It is deeply enrooted in man’s affinity to stand, move and wade in to explore new things. The modern from of stand-up paddling finds its roots in South America. Ancient fishermen used reed vessels as boat and long bamboo stick as paddles. Artifacts and designs on pottery show that modern day stand up paddling simply resembles with those of the ancient times. Hence, there are only a few differences to name.
Caballito, modern day stand up paddlers

These old boats are known as Caballito, a modern name-picturedred left. The latest form of Caballito came into existence in the Fifteenth century. In South America, they made their way into the land before Spaniards came. Nature of stand-up paddling may give it a feel of adventure sports. But in reality it is more like a recreational activity; something that a person would choose to unburden his head.
The fascination of paddle boarding can also be traced back to the gondola in 17th century Venice. Thousands of gondolas that used to transport people across the watered city presented and enchanted sight. Now days only a few gondolas have left that grace the wedding parties or provide recreation for tourists. Still, the romance and glory of the city and gondolas remain there.
In the same way, centuries have passed since paddle boats attracted the attention of human beings. Fishermen devised new vessels to spot their hunt, boats have assumed many new shapes, but paddle boating has kept its charm alive for enthusiasts.
Modern recreational paddle boarding
Stand up paddle boating is the famous summer activity across the globe. A real credit to start this joyous water interaction goes to the people of Hawaii. No wonders why Islands in Hawaii remain a popular tourist attraction in summers and holiday season.
Hawaiians, who call themselves siblings of the sea, have a great affinity to adopt according to nature. Well, same is true for an entire human race that made compromises with its geographical surroundings. In fact, the main feature that provided refuge to the natives was the sea. Hawaiians could readily relate themselves to the water. Living in a water locked land, taught them how to deal with waves. One may think that stand up paddle boards were actually a necessity of that time; this may be true up to certain extent, but facts are a bit different.
Hawaiian chose this activity just for fun
Perhaps they wanted to talk with the waves of water in a more creative and natural way. Stand up paddle boarding was indeed the best way to do so. The fact is evident from the popularity of this activity even in the modern day.
Photographic evidence of the modern day paddle boarding
Stand up paddle boarding is an old recreational activity but its photographic evidence dates back to the six to seven decades before. Duke Kahanamoku from the beach boys of Waikiki used paddles for propelling his board through the waves of sea present in surrounding of his Island.
Duke is not the first guy who brought stand up paddle boarding to the modern world. In fact, there are two Hawaiians who introduced this activity. One is the Zap who moved from Mainland to Oahu. He worked at Pearl Harbour as a machinist. The man was also a waterman and experienced in dealing with waves. Zap had always appreciated the watermen and Beachboys including Duke. He loved to surf and often left shores for surfing waters. He later started using a canoe paddle during his daily routine of water boarding.
It is believed that Zap continued to board through water using paddles for next 60 years. By doing so, the man had indeed invented an incredible water sports that people started adopting as a hobby in later years.
Another man was John Ah Choy famously known as Pop. He surfed on boats using paddles in Oahu. Pop also made other significant addition in the game. For instance, skate boards and a sitting chair with the suction pump are few to name. The man, in fact, worked to make fishery a fun enriched activity. Pop was also a photographer and used to take pictures of the tourists. In this way, the activity spread beyond the shores.
Stand up Paddle boarding as a recreational activity
Stand up paddle boarding has no more remained confined within professional use. In fact, it has lost its status as a fisherman‘s helper up to a certain degree. It is more similar to skate board used for ice sports. The difference is that skate boarding on the ice has remained more in the limelight than stand up paddle boarding. Former is more famous as a sport while later is more like a recreational activity.
Stand up paddle boarding is an interaction with water, which is least discovered among other known aquatic activities of human beings.
Paddling in Cuyuna

The Cuyuna Recreation Area has more than 25 miles of shoreline to paddle.The waters are clean and safe, making them perfect for children. You can enjoy water activities and a camping weekend in the shores.
Cycle Path & Paddle rents and delivers paddle boards to True North Basecamp. Minnesota's own Paddle North sells awesome. freshwater paddle boards. Thanks to Paddle North for the photo.